Quicktext hotel chatbot Safe Stay at Villa Copenhagen - Villa Copenhagen


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From 1 February 2022 there are no longer COVID-19 restrictions in Denmark.

At Villa Copenhagen, we will at all times follow current rules and regulations from the Danish government. From 1 February 2022, there are no longer COVID-19 restrictions in Denmark therefore we are saying farewell to the restrictions and welcome to live as we knew it before corona.


- You do not need to present a valid Corona pass.
- Face masks are not mandatory.
- Hand sanitizers are distributed throughout the premises of the hotel.
- Regulations as for distancing, sitting, and standing, will no longer apply.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

CHECK-IN OPTIONS have been modified to avoid congregating at the front desk area, this including:

- Possibility to schedule check-in time with private meet and greet
- Keyless entry/remote check-in through the Nordic Choice App (download in Apple App Store and Google Play)
- Personal check-ins using open air spaces
- Virtual check-out via our communication system (text messages)
- For guests using keys, key cards will be suspended for 72 hours before being used again by another guest

HOUSEKEEPING and the presence of our staff is increased through:

- Higher frequency of cleaning in public spaces & extra attention to disinfecting often touched surfaces
- Staffs hands are washed with soap more often, and always after a cleaning. Hands are dried with paper, not towels. All staff always wear clean uniforms for each shift and no jewelry, watches etc. are worn.
- Rooms are cleaned carefully between each guests stay, cleaning the room when it is empty and by airing it out.
- Usual routines for periodic cleaning and daily routines are followed, but with an extra caution to wipe and disinfect door handles, faucet handles, remote controls, and other handles and high-contact surfaces, such as, on-and-off switches for lights, and other electronics. Peepholes are also cleaned, as well as elevator buttons, self check-in stations, bannisters on the staircases, etc.
- All towels, bed sheets and glasses in the room are replaced regardless of whether they have been used or not.
- All cleaning equipment is always disinfected after each use.
- Cleaning will be done in front of the guests, if this does not hinder logistics and noise, as cleaning personnel cannot wait until the premises are empty of guests. The more people are using the facilities, the more frequently the facilities are cleaned. In case of higher occupancy constant disinfection of surfaces such as handles, rails, chairs, benches, counters etc. are performed at least once every hour.